Promote Your Business
From major product launches to short web clips video is still the most effective means of getting your message across in an informative and entertaining way. We have fifteen years of experience making corporate promos, safety and training videos, documentaries and filming events. Right from the outset we guide you through the production process with advice on what to film, developing scripts, choosing presenters, voice-overs and actors, and suggesting music and graphical styles. Once you are happy with the product we show you the most effective way to use and distribute your video to maximize its effectiveness.
Promote Your Business
From major product launches to short web clips video is still the most effective means of getting your message across in an informative and entertaining way. We have fifteen years of experience making corporate promos, safety and training videos, documentaries and filming events. Right from the outset we guide you through the production process with advice on what to film, developing scripts, choosing presenters, voice-overs and actors, and suggesting music and graphical styles. Once you are happy with the product we show you the most effective way to use and distribute your video to maximize its effectiveness.

Capture the Day
Some events take months of planning and can cost a small fortune. Then it's all over in a flash. If you weren't there you missed it! Video captures it all though and we can edit it down to just the highlights to show on your website or social media, or you can edit out snippets for specific audiences. With small cameras and radio microphones many events can be covered by a single operator so the cost is minimal as a percentage of the whole event.
Conference Services
A well run conference needs to get lots of things right. We can help you find a good venue, design graphics for flyers and backdrops, provide good sound, displays and lighting, and help you prepare your presentations.
We can make videos as simple promotional tools (like the one above) that you can use in social media to promote your event. We can record speeches by contributors who can't be there on the day and we can make promotional clips to use in presentations to show just how successful your organisation has been over the past year.
Getting the Audio Right
We found the in-house audio so bad at conferences that now we offer our own PA (Public Address system). For an audience of up to 300 people, our system uses lectern, desktop, roving and radio microphones properly mixed to provide clear sound that everyone can hear. An operator will always be there throughout your event to ride the mixer and deal with any audio problems that may occur. So now you need not risk the embarrassment of dead microphones or interference from mobile phones.